TOGETHER –TOwards a cultural understandinG of thE Other


Implementation period: 2020-2023
Funded by: Erazmus+ Programme

Project partners: CulturePolis, Greece, A.B. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development LTD (IED) – Cyprus, Eworx Ypiresies Ilektronikou Epicheirein Anonymos Etaireia (EWORX) – Greece, Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale (FPD) – Italy, Georgian Arts & Culture Center (GACC) – Georgia and the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) – Lebanon.

TOGETHER was a two-year Erasmus+ funded project. It arose from the need to forge bonds, raise awareness, and promote shared values through intercultural dialogue between the EU and its neighboring countries.

The project primarily aimed to empower all sectors of society by building bridges between people, fostering mutual understanding, and stimulating economic and social development. Ultimately, the goal was to equip Europe and its neighbors to address common challenges and achieve social cohesion and sustainability.