Toursim, Heritage, Creativity


Implementation period: 2020-2023
Funded by: European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) Black Sea Joint Operation Programme.

Project partners: Georgian Arts and Culture Center (GACC) (leading partner), European Institute for Cultural Tourism EUREKA NPO, and Foundation for the Development of the City of Mykolaiv (FDN)

PRO EXTOUR aimed to promote experiential tourism as a sustainable development pathway for tourism businesses in the Black Sea Basin (BSB) by leveraging the potential of indigenous heritage, culture, innovative solutions, and cross-border cooperation. The primary objective of the project was to contribute to the increase of cross-border links for the joint promotion of business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors.

Main Activities:

  • Regional Needs Assessment Report: This report assessed the specific needs for the development of experiential tourism in the BSB region.
  • Regional Action Plan: This plan outlined strategies for encouraging heritage and culture-based experiential tourism in the BSB.
  • Inventory of Business Models: This inventory cataloged various business models suitable for experiential tourism.
  • Pilot Inventories and On-line Repository: Pilot inventories of heritage and culture activities and events were conducted, and an online repository of resources and tools was created.
  • International Events: International events related to experiential tourism were organized.
  • Cross-border Network of Black Sea Hubs: A cross-border network of Black Sea Hubs on Experiential Tourism was established.